Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Star Wars - Rise of the First Order
(nach Episode 7)
Beiträge: 932
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2015, 20:51
Wohnort: Kirchhundem

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2060 ValMercer
Mi 1. Jun 2016, 20:44


"Ihr habt Glück, dass wir noch hier sind", erklärte sie ruhig und trat einen Schritt zurück. "Wir sind gerade dabei die Basis zu evakuieren."
Luke nickte und sah sich um. Rey sprach gerade mit dem jungen Mann, der sie gerade stürmisch umarmt hatte. „Wie lange haben wir Zeit? Was kann ich tun?“


Therry betrachtete angespannt wie Hux die Zahlen die Daten des Holos in Augenschein nahm. "Exzellent", nickte er zufrieden und lehnte sich zurück. "Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das Rebellenpack nicht wieder verschwindet." Er betrachtete Therry für einen Moment, der den Blick nur erwidern konnte. Ein Nicken wäre schon unangebracht gewesen. "Sind die Truppen für Rens Shuttle ebenfalls bereit und informiert über ihre Aufgabe?"
„Ja, Sir,“ antwortete Therry. „Dieselbe Truppe, die auch mit ihm auf Jakku und auf Tokadana war.“ Was davon übrig war jedenfalls. Aber dem Schwadron waren neue, erfahrene Strumtruppen zugeteilt worden. Captain Phasma natürlich war unersetzlich, aber das musste er dem General sicherlich nicht sagen.


Sie bemühte sich ihn auszublenden. Komplett. Nicht an ihn zu denken. Und es fiel ihr schwer. So unendlich schwer. Jedes Mal, wenn seine Gedanken abschweiften spürte sie es. Spürte den Richtungswechsel und musste sich noch mehr konzentrieren nicht wieder in ihn zu dringen. Das wollte sie nicht riskieren. Nicht nocheinmal.
Abrupt stand er auf. Verließ den Raum ohne ein Wort. Amee sah ihm hinterher. Für einen Moment. Dann hörte sie, wie die Tür sich schloss und sie atmete erleichtert aus. Er war weg... Verstohlen wischte sie sich die Tränen der Erleichterung aus den Augenwinkeln, füllte ihre Lungen bis zum Bersten und beschloss noch ein wenig hier zu bleiben. Je mehr sie übte, desto sicherer konnte sie sein, dass die Ereignisse des Tages sich nicht wiederholen würden.

Killing Muggles, torturing Order members... the family business! (J. Prince)

Beiträge: 758
Registriert: So 4. Okt 2015, 21:45
Wohnort: Baiersdorf

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2070 Blanche
Di 21. Jun 2016, 13:20


Luke nickte und sah sich um. Auch Leias Blick wanderte kurz zu Rey, die sich mit dem jungen Ex-Sturmtruppler unterhielt. „Wie lange haben wir Zeit? Was kann ich tun?“, zog Luke die Aufmerksamkeit wieder auf sich.
"Ich... nun ihr könnt sicherlich einige der Sachen an Bord nehmen, die noch transportiert werden müssen. Finn dort drüben wird wissen was noch verlanden werden muss." Was machte der Junge überhaupt hier? Auf der anderen Seite musste sie ihm das gleiche Recht zugestehen, wie sich selbst. Auch sie hatte ihren Arbeitsplatz sofort verlassen, als der Falke nah genug war... "Ich fürchte, ich muss zurück zur Kommandozentrale."


„Ja, Sir,“ antwortete Therry. „Dieselbe Truppe, die auch mit ihm auf Jakku und auf Tokadana war.“
Hux verschränkte die Arme und nickte. "Sehr schön. Dann wollen wir hoffen, dass er diesmal mehr Erfolg hat." //Insbesondere-// , dachte Hux grimmig. //Weil es diesmal noch mehr persönlich ist.// Er war froh, dass Amee nicht in der Nähe von Ren sein würde, falls er wütend wurde auf dem Planeten. "Das war auch schon alles, Therry. Könnten sie meiner Schwester noch eine Nachricht zukommen lassen, dass ich sie gerne neben mir auf der Brücke sehen würde während des Angriffes?"


"Dann sind wir jetzt wieder quitt."
Sie ließ sie ihn los und er nutzte die Chance sie kurz zu betrachten. Die neuen Klamotten standen ihr, auch wenn sie ein wenig fremd wirkten.
"Was ist los?", wollte sie dann wissen. "Wir wurden wieder entdeckt?"
Finn nickte. "Leider. Wir wurden bereits auf der letzten Basis vertrieben, da war es allerdings wirklich zeitig genug. Ein paar wenige waren nur noch dort, als die Ordnung kam. Scheinbar haben sie so auch herausgefunden, wo unser neuer Stützpunkt ist." Er sah kurz zum Himmel. Fast erwartete er, dass jeden Moment ein Tie-Fighter auftauchen würde, doch noch war der Himmel klar.
,,, ,,,

Beiträge: 932
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2015, 20:51
Wohnort: Kirchhundem

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2083 ValMercer
Mo 11. Jul 2016, 20:05


She tried desperately to keep him out of her thoughts. Completely. Not to think about him, focus on his presence, but it was hard. So incredibly hard. Every time his thoughts shifted, she felt his aura shift slightly as well. She felt every change of direction, as he sat next to her, meditating and she had to concentrate even harder, not to slip into his mind again. She didn't want to risk it. Not again. She could still feel his hands around her throat.
He startled her, when he got up abruptly and left the room without saying another word. Amee looked after him, just for a moment and when she finally heard the doors close behind him, she allowed herself to breathe more freely. He was gone... As discreetly as possible, as if he were still sitting next to him, she wiped the tears of relief from the corners of her eyes. She took another deep breath and decided to stay here in their training room a bit longer. The more she practiced, the more certain she could be that the events of today would never be repeated


"I..." He still couldn't believe that his sister was standing in front of him. It had been too long and somehow he was glad that his daughters appearance had forced him to come back to this place and face his demons. "Well, maybe you can take a couple of things on board, which have to be taken to the new base. I'm sure Finn over there will know what else needs to be taken along. I'm afraid I have to return to command, though."
Luke nodded. "Alright. Where's the rendez-vous point? And do you want me to come along with you?"


Hux crossed his arms over his chest and nodded grimly. "Very well. Let us hope that he will be more successful this time."
This was new. Therry had never heard Hux criticizing Ren in front of anyone. But then again, Hux was bound to be angry at the man's failure, who was treated more lenient by Surpreme Leader Snoke than anyone else in the Order. Therry thought that the fact that Ren was training Hux' sister didn't make Hux happy either. But Therry would have been crazy to investigate further. That wasn't his job. His job had been to report to the General in his office about the progress of readying the troops for the assault on the Resistance's new base.
"That would be all, Therry. Could you please tell my sister to join me on the bridge for the attack?"
Therry nodded and got up. "I saw her on my way here, Sir. She was heading to the training room with Ren. I will go see her at once."

Killing Muggles, torturing Order members... the family business! (J. Prince)

Beiträge: 658
Registriert: So 4. Okt 2015, 21:34
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2108 Nachtwandlerin
Do 28. Jul 2016, 22:59


Finn nodded. "Sadly, yes. They already drove us away from the last base. But then we did have a lot more time to move. Only a few of us were there when the First Order arrived. I guess that's how they found us now." He looked up to the sky nervously.
Rey felt sorry for the guys who fell into the Order's hands and had to give away the Resistance's location.
"So let's not loose time", she stated and checked for her father who already looked on alert. Or maybe it felt like he did? It was still difficult to distinguish between the Force and the human knowledge of body language and stuff.
"What can I do?", she wanted to know.
I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are

You never tell a girl you like her, it makes you look like an idiot."
from AVPM

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

nawa.polyvore | Twitter | goeatcupcakes.tumblr | instagram |

Beiträge: 758
Registriert: So 4. Okt 2015, 21:45
Wohnort: Baiersdorf

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2109 Blanche
Sa 30. Jul 2016, 10:10


Luke nodded. "Alright. Where's the rendez-vous point? And do you want me to come along with you?"
Leia looked at Rey and Finn, who probably were talking more or less about the same thing. "Our new base will be Ma'ju'un. But we will not go there directly, hence meeting at the edge of the Outer rim.", she said. "You can of course come with me, but..." She hesitated. "Are you sure, you want to face them all at once right now?"


"So let's not loose time", she stated "What can I do?", she wanted to know.
"Hmm..." Finn thought for a moment. "Well, there are still some boxes that need to be loaded. If we can get some of it on the Falcon, the chance of loosing things is reduced. We can't take everything anyway. As soon as we hear, that the First Order has arrived in orbit, we will need to leave. Or even better before that happens."
,,, ,,,

Beiträge: 658
Registriert: So 4. Okt 2015, 21:34
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2114 Nachtwandlerin
Do 4. Aug 2016, 19:30


"Hmm... Well, there are still some boxes that need to be loaded. If we can get some of it on the Falcon, the chance of loosing things is reduced. We can't take everything anyway. As soon as we hear, that the First Order has arrived in orbit, we will need to leave. Or even better before that happens."
Rey nodded busily and looked over her shoulder to Chewie and the Falcon.
"Just tell me what needs to be loaded first."
I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are

You never tell a girl you like her, it makes you look like an idiot."
from AVPM

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

nawa.polyvore | Twitter | goeatcupcakes.tumblr | instagram |

Beiträge: 758
Registriert: So 4. Okt 2015, 21:45
Wohnort: Baiersdorf

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2117 Blanche
Do 18. Aug 2016, 10:01


Rey nodded busily and looked over her shoulder to Chewie and the Falcon.
"Just tell me what needs to be loaded first."
"Okay... come with me." He hesitated for a moment, then took her hand to make her follow him back to the loading place, were still many boxes were waiting to be put into a space ship. "I'm not sure, what is what", he admitted. "But the more we take, the better."
,,, ,,,

Beiträge: 658
Registriert: So 4. Okt 2015, 21:34
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2119 Nachtwandlerin
Fr 19. Aug 2016, 21:42


"Okay...", he hesitated and then took her hand. "Come with me." Rey followed reluctantly looking at his hand grabbing hers. She knew he didn't mean it. But this always triggerd the part in her head screaming 'I know how to run without you holding my hand!'. But this time she let him do it. There were more important things at hand. For example the boxes. She tried to count.
There were a lot of boxes. "I'm not sure, what is what", Finn admitted. "But the more we take, the better."
Rey bent over and went for the first one. She struggled a little to lift it but managed. "O-kay", she puffed and carried the box back ouside towards the Falcon.
I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are

You never tell a girl you like her, it makes you look like an idiot."
from AVPM

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

nawa.polyvore | Twitter | goeatcupcakes.tumblr | instagram |

Beiträge: 932
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2015, 20:51
Wohnort: Kirchhundem

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2125 ValMercer
Mo 3. Okt 2016, 17:34


Leia looked at Rey and Finn, who probably were talking more or less about the same thing. "Our new base will be Ma'ju'un. But we will not go there directly, hence meeting at the edge of the Outer rim.", she said. "You can of course come with me, but..." She hesitated. "Are you sure, you want to face them all at once right now?"
Scowling down at her, he shook his head. “I’m done hiding,” he said, though he was sure that he didn’t want to face anyone at the moment. The only thing left for him to do though was accompanying Leia. Everything else would look nothing but weak and that was something he couldn’t afford right now.


They only had about half an hour left before they’d drop out of hyperspace, so he knew that he had to hurry up if he wanted to relay Hux’ message before then.
Therry took a moment waiting in front of the training room anyway. This place was only reserved for high ranking officers like Hux, though it was only used by Ren and of course nowadays Hux’ sister. He wasn’t entirely sure about her, but he knew that Ren wasn’t someone he wanted to be alone with.
Taking another moment to announce his presence at the press of a button, he took a deep breath and then opened the door. Hux’ sister was alone and getting to her feet just as the door slid open. She looked him up and down and then nodded once.
“Colonel?” She looked a lot calmer than she had half an hour ago as she walked towards him.
“The General asked me to tell you to meet him on the bridge.”
She nodded, apparently not surprised at this request. “Fine. Thank you.” She stepped past him and he turned to follow her. They were heading in the same direction after all.

Killing Muggles, torturing Order members... the family business! (J. Prince)

Beiträge: 758
Registriert: So 4. Okt 2015, 21:45
Wohnort: Baiersdorf

Re: Star Wars - Rise of the First Order (Teil 1)

Beitrag: #2134 Blanche
Do 3. Nov 2016, 09:56


Rey bent over and went for the first one. She struggled a little to lift it but managed. "O-kay", she puffed and carried the box back ouside towards the Falcon.
Finn bit down on his lower lip. He hadn't thought about the boxes beeing this heavy for a girl. He never had a lot to do with girls as well, if they were not trained as a storm trooper. He quickly told one of the other helpers about the Falcon beeing here and the space that was there and then followed Rey with one of the larger boxes.
"How have you been?", he asked, when he catched up with her.


Before Hux went back for the bridge, he sent a message to the Supreme Leader Snoke. He didn't know, if Ren had told Snoke about the ongoing, but he wanted to be on the safe side. He didn't wait for a reply and, after a quick look in the small mirrow next to his door to check his hair and hat, he headed off for the command bridge.


Scowling down at her, he shook his head. “I’m done hiding,” he said. Leia felt, that he didn't want to. Her force senses had never been as strong with anyone as with Luke.
"Okay", she simply replied and turned to go back to the command tower. "They are all happy you are here." She smiled. Some of them like Ackbar had missed Luke a lot and had been furious when he had abandoned them. But over time they had come to understand, that for Luke this had to be the only way. And now they awaited his return.


As soon as Chewie saw Leia and Luke leave and Rey coming back with that stormtrooper bloke, he left the falcon as well, to lend a helping hand in carrying the boxes.
,,, ,,,

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